Podcast sebagai Alternatif Distribusi Konten Audio

Efi Fadilah, Pandan Yudhapramesti, Nindi Aristi


The proliferation of Internet has been another warning bell for conventional broadcast radio. Numbers of listener gradually shift to the new mean of media as it is more attractive and convenient  for users. The situation drives radio managers to adapt with various ways. Developing audio podcast is among the strategy that has been growing in the United States and various countries in Europe, but not yet quite popular in Indonesia. Whereas the potential audience is quite large, since the growing number of commuters and fact that about 30% of total population is categorized as auditory learner. For such reason, this library research is conducted to explore the opportunities for audio podcast to develop in Indonesia, as well as content analysis of some of the most successful podcast provider sites. The results show that audio podcast optimization strategy includes the development of podcast materials with appropriate approach and content distribution with audience’s needs, wants, and ways of consuming audio content; as well as the compatibility of the content with the character and orientation of the media. In addition, this effort must also be accompanied by intensive campaigns through various way. 


audio content, audio podcast, Indonesia


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http://www.digitalnewsreport.org/publications/2016/predictions-2016/ diakses 5 Januari 2017

http://www.pewresearch.org/topics/state-of-the-news-media, diakses 20 Desember 2016

www.theguardian.com. The 50 Best podcasts of 2016, diakses 20 Oktober 2016

www.techinsider.io. The Best Podcast in The World, diakses 20 Oktober 2016

www.time.com, The 10 Most Popular podcast of 2015, diakses 20 Desember 2016

http://www.webaward.org/winners_detail.asp?yr=all&award_level=best&category=Radio#. Vvu4q2pJnIU, diakses Rabu 30 Maret 2016

http://www.webaward.org/winners_detail.asp?yr=all&award_level=best&category=Radio#. Vvu4q2pJnIU, diakses Rabu 30 Maret 2016

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24198/jkj.v1i1.10562

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