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pdfYana Mayatska

Master Student in Philology, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky»
Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID–0002–7241–2210

Tetiana Deorditsa

Master Student in Philology, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushinsky»
Odessa, Ukraine

Viktoriia Vakula

Master Student in Philology, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushinsky»
Odessa, Ukraine


Key words: non-verbal communication, kinemes, kinesics, literary translation, gestures, facial expressions, oculesics.


Problems of studying kinesics as a branch of linguistics, as well as classifications of kinem based on their functions are discussed in the article. The study examines the features of the use of non-verbal means of communication, the use of gestures, facial expressions and oculesy within the Ukrainian and English languages in particular. The methods of verbalization of kinesics and the difficulties of their translation in fiction are also analyzed in the text. The review of theoretical studies has shown that kinesics is an integral part of the daily interaction of people, since it helps to express emotions through symptomatic body movements, contributes to the assessment of reality, and also performs the function of regulating communication: identifies the status of an individual, encourages action, shows readiness for contact, and on the contrary, the desire to interrupt it, and also helps to comply with the norms of etiquette accepted in society. During the analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that the translation of the kinesic components of a literary text presents certain difficulties, since the kinemes have not only a figurative and cognitive, but also an ideological and aesthetic function. Despite the fact that the physiology of people is similar and the kinemes in many languages are the same, certain difficulties can appear when translating kinems, which can cause errors if the playback method is chosen incorrectly. Therefore, the translator should remember about the double nature of kinem, since this is not just an action, it can carry a hidden content and influence the recipient of the text, as it helps to better understand the character of the character. As a result, the authors found that the features of literary translation generate the need to use all kinds of translation transformations (lexical, lexical-grammatical, grammatical transformations).


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