The justice system in Ukraine and the problems of its functioning under the conditions of the martial state

: 74-80
Kolych O., Daniv V. “The justice system in Ukraine and the problems of its functioning under the conditions of the martial state.”

Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University Candidate of Jurispondence, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History and Philosophy of Law
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article carries out a general theoretical analysis of the activity of the courts, discusses the issues of justice and the activity of the Supreme Council of Justice in the modern period of martial law in Ukraine. 

Consider the specifics of the activity of the High Council of Justice, as the only state body that is called upon to submit applications for the appointment of a judge to a position, to make a decision regarding a violation by a judge or a prosecutor of requirements regarding incompatibility, to make a decision to dismiss a judge from the position, to give consent to the detention of a judge or his detention under worth Justice is considered as a function of the state and as a judicial activity. 

The main problems of justice during the period of martial law are singled out, in particular, the problems of the jurisdiction of courts; insufficient number of persons appointed to the position of judge (about 28% of judges are not enough), problems of remote participation in court sessions (this problem became relevant during the COVID19 pandemic, and remains open during martial law). It is noted that the Supreme Council of Justice is an independent and autonomous body that closely cooperates with other state bodies. 

The main problem of the activity of the High Council of Justice in the conditions of martial law is the lack of its authorized composition and significant difficulties with its formation.

It was emphasized that even under such conditions, this body continues to work, in particular, it initiates the political and legal reaction of the international community to russia's war crimes in Ukraine, consolidates efforts to collect evidence to punish the invaders, initiates measures related to the settlement of problems of the functioning of the judiciary, establishes and coordinates cooperation with foreign partners on the provision of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, organizes assistance to Ukrainian soldiers and temporarily displaced citizens. It is emphasized that, despite the absence of an authorized member of the Supreme Council of Justice, in the conditions of martial law, the SCJ continues to work within the limits of the powers it is able to exercise

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