Determination of the geoid – gravity field and topography of the Black sea according to the satellite altimetry data

: pp. 46-58
Department of Geodesy, Institute of Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Objectives. The method of satellite altimetry as a relatively new approach to precise satellite surveying, which provides the different Earth sciences by a most complete information about the state of the ocean and its changes over time. In particular this method uses in scientific researches of geodesy, oceanography and climatology. The models of ocean dynamic topography are based on the altimetry data also. Methodology. With the modern of satellite technology the oceans surface is mapped with a very simple approach, which are based on altimetric satellite measurements of different missions with the level of accuracy 1–5 cm. Distance measuring  from altimetry satellite to the ocean surface and determining its position in the space based on SLR, GNSS, or DORIS technologies open the possibility of calculating the Sea Surface Heights passed over the ocean surface reference ellipsoid. Heights of the ocean CorSSH are estimated based on the previous SSH data processing. Which are govered  by different corrections for the environment and the impact of various geophysical factors to initial dependent time information. These corrections the most impact is caused by the tidal effect of the Sun and the Moon. Tidel effects consist to from two parts: the ocean tide and the tide of the solid Earth. The ocean tide is an instant deviation of the ocean surface relative to its average value. The middle surface, for example, can be the surface which is defined according to observations of a tide gauge. Undisturbed ocean surface was named the geoid or primary level surface and is one of the most important referential surfaces in geosciences. In 1983 according to the resolution of IAG the geoid surface was constract taking into account indirect tides of the solid Earth. The practical significance.  The amplitudes of the geoid heights have obtain using to CorSSH as with respect to GRS80 system are not more than 100 m. Another situation occurs in the oceanography, where the most valuable data are ocean surface deviations from geoid with the amplitude of 2 m this data are called Sea Surface Topography (SST). Results. Thus, this paper focuses on the problem of constraction filtered heights SSH, field heights gravity anomalies, construction and calculation gravimetric quasigeoid, calculation of the stationary model of the sea topography (SST). In all cases the procedure of remove/restore was edopted based on the atellite-only GOCE gravitational field up to  degree \ order 250.

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