Spelta wheat as a component of the medium for yeast growing

: 64-68
National University Lviv Polytechnic
National University Lviv Polytechnic
National University Lviv Polytechnic

Solving the problem of maintaining the activity of yeast in fermentation processes has been going on for a long time and is still an active research area. Conditions used for propagating and maintaining yeast should not be identical to those used for fermenting grain wort.

An analysis of recent studies and publications suggests that Triticum spelta L is an alternative culture with undermanding growing requirements. Spelta shows a very good adaptability and belongs to the ecological crops. There are many applications of spelt in the bakery industry, but a few of them in the beverage industry, which makes new approaches in the process of alcoholic beverages production for further research.

Wheat wort produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated wheat grains at a high concentration of 18-20% dry matter was used for testing the effect of nutrients on their ability to improve fermentation performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast was inoculated into media and grown until it reaches the stationary phase of growth (24 hours).

It was found that yeast content in spelta wort is higher as compared with the control (common wheat worts) sample on 13 - 16% for dry yeast preparations Quickferm Super. The obtained results indicate that the amount of accumulated yeasts in a spelta wort for 16 hours was higher on 23 - 25% than in wheat wort. Yeast content in spelta wort for 24 hours is higher as compared with the control (common wheat worts) sample on 19 - 20% for dry yeast preparations Thermosacc DRY. The best experimental results of the study of the yeast growing in spelta wort compared to control can be explained as follows: the nutritive value of spelta wheat is higher and contains all the basic components such as proteins, saccharides, lipids, vitamines and mineral. Lysine is contained in more quantities in the spelta than in common wheat.

The comparison of the physiological state of dry yeast during their generation in spelta and wheat worts was investigated.

Results of this article demonstrates a new possibility to us spelt as a component of the medium (spelta wort) for yeast growing and also furthers expands the market of alternative cereals in the food industry.

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