The Inteligene Algorithm of Cyber–physical System Targeting on a Movable Object Using the Smart Sensor Unit

: pp. 44 - 52
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department

As a result of the analytical review, it was established that smart sensor units are one of the main components of the cyber—physical system. One of the tasks, which have been entrusted to such units, are targeting and tracking of movable objects. The algorithm of targeting on such objects using observation equipment has been considered. This algorithm is able to continuously monitor observation results, predict the direction with the highest probability of movement and form a set of commands to maximize the approximation of a moving object to the center of an information frame. The algorithm, is based on DDPG reinforcement learning algorithm. The algorithm has been verified on an experimental physical model using a drone. The object recognition module has been developed using YOLOv3 architecture. iOS application has been developed in order to communicate with the drone through WIFI hotspot using UDP commands. Advanced filters have been added to increase the quality of recognition results. The results of experimental research on the mobile platform confirmed the functioning of the targeting algorithm in real—time.

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