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Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2022 January-February;181(1-2):41-9

DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.19.04239-6


language: Italian

Modalità di parto in pazienti con diabete gestazionale: induzione o attesa? Revisione di casistica clinica

Annachiara VITUCCI , Giuditta PORTERI, Sonia ZATTI, Cristina ZANARDINI, Vera GEROSA, Andrea LOJACONO, Enrico SARTORI

ASST Spedali Civili di Brescia, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

BACKGROUND: In the setting of women affected by gestational diabetes, to evaluate the impact of a different clinical management - waiting for a spontaneous labor versus induction of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy - in terms of maternal and neonatal outcomes.
METHODS: Retrospective analysis of population of women affected by gestational diabetes followed in 2017 at ASST Spedali Civili of Brescia, Obstetrics Department. We performed a descriptive analysis of population and of maternal and fetal outcomes. We performed a further comparison between two groups, induction of labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy (group 1) and women waiting for spontaneous labor (group 2). Primary outcome was caesarean section rate; secondary outcomes were maternal and fetal morbility items.
RESULTS: In 2017, 156 women affected by gestational diabetes were followed at our Obstetrics Department. Caesarean section rate was 9.67% in group 1 and 16.66% in group 2. We have not shown a significant statistically difference between the two groups, but we found a higher caesarean section rate in the group of patients waiting for a spontaneous labor. Regarding secondary outcomes, no significant statistically difference between the two groups was detected.
CONCLUSIONS: In patients affected by gestational diabetes, induction of labor versus spontaneous labor does not cause worse maternal and neonatal outcomes and in this group, even if without significant statistically difference, a lower caesarean section rate has been highlighted.

KEY WORDS: Gestational diabetes; Induced labor; Fetal monitoring; Natural childbirth; Obstetric labor

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