Zograf 2022 Issue 46, Pages: 33-56
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Neglected data about the year of construction of the Church of the Virgin in Studenica

Marković Miodrag ORCID iD icon (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia), mmarkovi@f.bg.ac.rs

The text deals with two mutually close, late sources that have not been used so far in considering the chronology of the construction of the katholikon of the Studenica monastery: the inscriptions on two copper engravings depicting the main church of the “Great Lavra of St. Simeon” made in Moscow in 1758. Those inscriptions state, among other things, that Stefan Nemanja built the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in 1194/1195.

Keywords: Studenica, Stefan Nemanja, twelfth-century art in Serbia, chronology, copper engraving, Konstantin of Studenica, ephimerios, Serbs in the eighteenth century

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