Acta Periodica Technologica 2016 Issue 47, Pages: 105-105
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Retraction: Osmotic dehydration of fish: Principal component analysis. APTEFF, 45 (2014) 45-53, DOI: 10.2298/APT1445045L


On the proposition of the Editorial Board and with the consent of the authors, the paper entitled: OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION OF FISH: PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS, by the authors: Biljana Lj. Lončar (née Čurćić), Lato L. Pezo, Ljubinko B. Lević, Vladimir S. Filipović, Milica R. Nićetin, Violeta M. Knežević and Tatjana A. Kuljanin, published in 2014 (Vol. 45, pp. 45-53, DOI: 10.2298/APT1445045L), is retracted because it is an autoplagiarism of the paper of the authors B. L. Ćurčić, L. L Pezo, V. S. Filipović, M.R. Nićetin and V. Knežević „OSMOTIC TREATMENT OF FISH IN TWO DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS - ARTIFICAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL“, which was accepted for publication on May 9th 2014 (DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.12275) and published in 2015 in the Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (Vol. 39, pp. 671-680).

Link to the retracted article 10.2298/APT1445045L