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Medicinski pregled 2010 Volume 63, Issue 11-12, Pages: 855-858
Full text ( 727 KB)

Prevention of spine deforimities in adoloscents due to inaduquate posture

Popova-Ramova Elizabeta (Visoka medicinska škola, Bitolj, R. Makedonija)
Lazović Milica (Medicinski fakultet, Klinika za rehabilitaciju, Niš)

Introduction. The spine deformities tend to increase, and in 90% of children they change the quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the percents of spinal deformity in our population of adolescents, and long bad posture in and out of school as a factor for its increase. Material and methods. The study included 124 adolescents attending High Musical School in Bitola and Skopje, who underwent four standard spine tests and an interview. Results. According to the test 3, 50% of the examined adolescents in Bitola and 69% in Skopje had the postural spine deformity, the average being 59.5%. The results obtained by the questionnaire showed that 50% of adolescents did not have any physical activity out of school, the longest daily activity, lasting four hours, in 48% of the examinees was practising their musical instruments; 40% of the examinees spent two hours watching TV or using the computer, whereas 18% did not use any of them at all. Conclusion. The bad spine posture tends to deteriorate in adolescents and the factor influencing this result should be established by studies aimed at determining the effects of physical activity on reducing such deformities, since the specific type of their education induces the risk of developing pain and early degenerative changes of the spine, which are predominant in the professionals.

Keywords: Posture, Music, Spine, Adolescent, Back Pain, Quality of Life, Questionnaires, Exercise, Spinal Curvatures

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