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Archives of Biological Sciences 2010 Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages: 775-780
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New invasive species of aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Serbia and Montenegro

Petrović-Obradović Olivera ORCID iD icon (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd)
Tomanović Ž. ORCID iD icon (Biološki fakultet, Institut za zoologiju, Beograd)
Poljaković-Pajnik L. (Institut za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu, Novi Sad)
Hrnčić Snježana (Biotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora)
Vučetić Anđa (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd)
Radonjić Sanja (Biotehnički fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora)

Three new invasive species of aphids have been found in Serbia: Chaitophorus populifolli Essig, Myzocallis walshii (Monell) and Trichosiphonaphis polygonifoliae (Shinji) and two have been found in Montenegro: Aphis illinoisensis Shimer and Tinocallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy). A. illinoisensis is a pest of the grapevine, T. polygonifoliae, feeds on a decorative shrub (Lonicera) and the other three feed on trees (Populus, Quercus and Lagerostroemia). Three of the species are American aphids and two are of Asian origin. Their morphology, illustrated by original drawings and data on the biology and distribution are given. .

Keywords: aphids, Aphididae, invasive species, Serbia, Montenegro, Aphis illinoisensis, Chaitophorus populifolli, Myzocallis walshii, Tinocallis kahawaluokalani, Trichosiphonaphis polygonifoliae