



This article aims to expand the theoretical basis of personalised education with the help of Leonar­do Polo’s transcendental anthropology. Specifically, it addresses the difficulty of arranging learning and teaching so that they can be regarded as parts of a strict duality, that is to say, exercises that cannot be done without both elements. This particular mutual reference or intrinsic opening enables per­sonalised educational growth, which is intrinsic or habitual perfecting, thus preventing learning and teaching from becoming disconnected as parallel processes that are only coincidentally related. Per­sonalised education, inspired by Leonardo Polo, is understood as a perfecting in common of educators and learners that each of them achieves in duality with the other. In personalised education, teaching and learning are intersubjective or social manifes­tations that are peculiar to the essence of each hu­man being, given that teaching and learning hap­pen in living-with others, with the performance of individual tasks in a secondary position.

Please, cite this article as follows: Pérez Guerrero, J., & Millán Ghisleri, E. (2021). La promoción de la coexistencia humana. La educación personalizada desde Leonardo Polo | The promotion of human coexistence: Personalised education from Leonardo Polo. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (280), 457-473. 10.22550/REP79-3-2021-06

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Author Biography

Javier Pérez Guerrero has a doc­torate in philosophy from the University of Navarra. He has worked at the Uni­versidad de Navarra and the Universi­tat Internacional de Catalunya and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja.


Elda Millán Ghisleri has a Doctorate in Education from the Universidad Com­plutense de Madrid. She has also been Visiting Professor at the Universidad Pan­americana, Mexico. She is a Teacher on the education degrees and the Master's Degree in Teacher Training of the Univer­sidad Villanueva.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

duality, essentialimprovement, LeonardoPolo, personalisededucation, transcendentalanthropology