

Xavier Úcar


The concept of socio-educational intervention has been much discussed in the field of education. Nonetheless, and despite its versatility and variety of meanings, it is one of the most commonly used concepts in the fields of school and social education. The aim of this text is twofold: on the one hand it will analyse this term and argue for its usefulness and applicability in our field; on the other hand it will derive from this analysis a whole series of pedagogical principles that can help with the training of teachers and educators and the development of their professional practice. Given the complexity of socio-educational intervention processes, the methodology employed to derive these pedagogical principles will be metaphors. The aim is to collect or create metaphors that enable analysis and reinterpretation of the socio-educational intervention processes that take place within the framework of professional practice. Six metaphors are presented and analysed in the text: 1) the horse and the fountain; 2) socio-educational synapses; 3) the crocodile and the pond; 4) the tightrope walker; 5) the bullet and the moving target; and, finally, 6) signalling beacons. These all allow a novel look at the socio-educational intervention processes used by education professionals. Some of the pedagogical principles developed refer to the sovereignty of the learner in relation to learning, the need to establish links with participants and work together, and the need to establish guidelines to steer the actions of those who work in education and pedagogy, among other principles.

Cite this article as: Úcar, X. (2018). Metáforas de la intervención socioeducativa: implicaciones pedagógicas para la práctica | Metaphors for socio-educational intervention: pedagogical implications for practice. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (270), 209-224 doi: 10.22550/REP76-2-2018-01

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Author Biography

Xavier Úcar is a PhD in Pedagogy from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Professor of Social Pedagogy in the Department of Systematic and Social Pedagogy of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and President of the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social (SIPS) since 2012. Author of over 100 works including books and articles in journals. His latest publication is a trilogy called «Pedagogías de lo social» (Pedagogies of the social) published by UOC/Oberta Publishing in 2016.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

communityeducation, educationalprinciples, intervention