Ebook - Professional voice: Integrated practices of teaching, research and university extensionAtena Editora


1. Voice. I. Maria Fabiana Bonfim de Lima-Silva (Organizer). II. Aline Menezes G...

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Professional voice: Integrated practices of teaching, research and university extension

Publicado em 31 de maio de 2022.

This e-book entitled “Professional Voice: Integrated Teaching, Research and University Extension Practices” is the result of an extension project called “Vocal Advisory Program for Voice Professionals” (ASSEVOX), which has been developed since the year of 2012 with the support of the public notice for the Extension Scholarship Program (PROBEX) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), whose main objective is to promote vocal health and prevent voice disorders in the most diverse professionals who depend on it to perform their work.

In this work, 14 chapters were gathered that explain from the experience of students and teachers who participated in the voice advisory program, to themes related to the prevention of voice disorders, vocal health promotion and around expressiveness. In them, there are studies about teachers, telemarketers, telejournalists and digital influencers. The purpose of this e-book is to expand the knowledge of undergraduate, graduate and Speech-Language Pathology professionals, as well as all those interested in studying voice professionals. In addition, we hope to encourage and drive the development of research through the vision and experiences of a university extension.

It is important to highlight that this work is composed of results of scientific initiation research and experiences around the ASSEVOX university extension. The chapters were prepared by students (undergraduate and graduate students) and by professional researchers from UFPB and other institutions (UNIPÊe PUC-SP) who, in a responsible and qualified way, proposed to explain their studies with current and relevant themes for the scientific community and society as a whole.

We wish you a great read!

Maria Fabiana Bonfim de Lima-Silva

Aline Menezes Guedes Dias de Araújo

Patrícia Brianne da Costa Penha

Gabriella Lucena Feitosa

Mayra Hadassa Ferreira Silva

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Professional voice: Integrated practices of teaching, research and university extension

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.619223005

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-0261-9

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Voice. I. Maria Fabiana Bonfim de Lima-Silva (Organizer). II. Aline Menezes Guedes Dias de Araújo (Organizer). III. Patrícia Brianne da Costa Penha (Organizer). IV. Title.

  • Ano: 2022


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