
The Xiongnu(=Hunnu) history is one of the most interesting pages of the history of the Eurasia steppe’s people in the ancient epoch. On the boundary between III and II centuries BC. The Xiongnu have established the first steppe empire which has consolidated many peoples of the Inner Asia. Over a period of 250 years, The first data on the monuments of the northern Xiongnu refer to the end of XIX century which was carried out by Yu.D.Talko-Gryntsevich in Kiakhta region. Since then, more than one hundreds years researchers from various nations devote themselves in enlightening Xiongnu archaeology. In spite of increased interests, one of most difficulties for Xiongnu researchers is limited informations until 1990 y. Russian-Mongolian expedition in Mongol and Zabaikalya on Northern Xiongnu could not be shared with another nations, otherwise. Chinese researches mainly focused on Southern Xiongnu and its assimilation on Chinese Empire. This situation dramatically change in recent 20 years. Archaeological team from more than 10 nations conduct archaeological expeditions in Mongol Republic, and publish tremendous amounts of papers, reports and symposiums. The growing number of papers devoted to the Xiongnu, in the national schools of Russia, Mongolia and China, led to the emergence of joint international projects. In the framework of international archaeological expeditions have been studied are large mounds of the Xiongnu as the Gol Mod, Noin Uul, Tsaram, Durlig Nars. Their study also include international symposia, multi-disciplinary collaborative research, etc., Collaborative international research in recent years have led to global change related to the Xiongnu. So, in this study authours review main topics of xiongnu studies in various epochs. Authours divide xiongnu studies into 3 periods- beginnings, until 1990 y. and contemporary researches(21th c.). With consideration of increased studies in last 10 years, authors devote more contemporary studies into 4 topics(way of livings, hierarchy and local types, social structure, and ethnic formation). Besides grown interests on several topics, we feel that most of researches concentrate on modern Mongol. Despite of the importance of modern Mongol as main research field, we could not ignore that the boundaries and influence of xiongnu empire reached Inner Asia, Southern Siberia, Northern China and Far East. So, authors hope that this reviewing article guide perspectives of wide-viewed xiongnu studies.




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