
1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Institute for Local and Regional Development, Ukraine

3 National Technical University, Dnepro Polytechnic, Ukraine

4 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The crisis in the energy sector of Eastern European countries determines the search for alternative ways to solve the above problem, one of which is the development of economic policy in the field of energy in the context of European integration. The purpose of the article is to develop conceptual, theoretical-methodological and methodical-practical foundations of economic policy in the field of energy.
METHODS: The methodological basis of the paper is a set of techniques, principles, general theoretical, special, interdisciplinary methods of scientific study. The method of metric ranking is used in assessing the levels of energy security in countries with high energy use. Based on the method of system equations, a functional system of critical infrastructure of the country is built.
FINDING: A model of compatibility of energy infrastructure with other components of critical infrastructure (institutional and technological) was developed in order to ensure uninterrupted interaction between all key elements of critical infrastructure of the country and increase the level of energy, economic and national security of the country. Based on the content analysis of the legislation of the countries, it has been proven that in the system of critical infrastructure the energy sector is a key factor of national security. The calculated indicators of the level of energy efficiency of the energy system of Ukraine until 2035 based on the use of blockchain technology proved that the level of energy intensity of Gross domestic product should be reduced by more than half (53.57 %).
CONCLUSION: As a conclusion, the developed model of the system of management of distribution of energy resources in the country using blockchain technology will contribute to decentralization of energy transactions, generation and supply of energy based on renewable and traditional sources, will allow to solve the problem of significant distance between renewable energy sources and industrial centers (its main consumers). 

Graphical Abstract

Economic policy of Eastern European countries in the field of energy in the context of global challenges


  • The model of energy infrastructure compatibility contributes to increasing the level of energy, economic and national security of Eastern European countries in the context of European integration;
  • The model of the system of management of distribution of energy resources using blockchain technology will contribute to decentralization of energy transactions, generation;
  • The introduction of electronic management of electricity parameters, production/distribution will contribute to reforming and further harmonious development of the energy sector.


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