Herzgeräusche als Zufallsbefunde bei tierärztlichen Kauf- oder Verfassungsuntersuchungen - Befundung und Verlauf bei 77 klinisch gesunden Pferden

Verdegaal L J M M, Voorhout G, van Loon G, Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan M M

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20020309
Year: 2002
Volume: 18
Issue: 3
Pages: 263-272

Seventy-seven horses referred to the Utrecht university clinic for accidentally found heart murmurs, were examined clinically and ultrasonographically. In a follow-up, the influence of these findings on later performance and sale value was evaluated. The 77 horses referred between January 97 and February 202 were divided into 2 groups. In the horses of group A, murmurs were found during pre-purchase examination (n=62) and in the horses of group B, during equestrian events (n=15). Twenty-four horses were between 1 and 5 years old and 53 horses were 5 years or older (48% of the latter group performed at a moderate to high level). In 62 (80%) horses, murmurs were found on the left side, in 12 (16%) on both sides and in 3 (4%) on the right side. In 7% of the horses, the intensity of the murmurs was “loud” (grade V or VI), in 53% “moderate” (grade III and IV) and in 40% “minor” (grade I or II). In 63 horses, mitral insufficiency (MI) was found: in 12 only MI, in 14 MI + tricuspid insufficiency (TI), in 14 MI + aortic insufficiency (AI), in 20 MI + TI + AI, and in 3 MI + other problems. Six horses also showed atrial fibrillation (AF). Fifteen horses with MI showed increased left atrial diameter (14 cm or more). In most cases, auscultation and echocardiographical findings correlated well. Telephone questionnaires were obtained from 71 owners, while 10 owners could not give any information on present performance of the horse. Five owners of horses with severe alterations reported decreased performance and 1 horse had died. Twenty owners mentioned that their horse was not sold, while 12 horses were sold for a lower price. It is concluded that cardiac murmurs in Warmblood horses found during pre-purchase examination or veterinary control are often not related to decreased performance but may have significant influence on sale value.