
The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the efficacy of recording assignments utilizing mobile devices (i.e., cell phones, PDAs, and MP3players). The subjects were 16 EFL students, divided into 2 groups of 8 students each. Each group consisted of 8 students. This study examined students’ self-directed learning based on constructivism for 6 weeks utilizing mobile devices. The one strength of mobile learning is that it is easy to carry a mobile device and convenient to complete assignments anytime, anywhere. Students can send their work to a teacher by email after they have finished their assignments. After that, the teacher provides students with feedback regarding their assignments. Based on the teacher’s feedback, students can find out their problems. During class time, the teacher records students’ speaking when they are in the group discussion for ten minutes. Then through data which were typed from recording, the teacher analyses to examine the effectiveness of performing recording assignments utilizing mobile devices. The results are as follows: First, assignments completed using mobile devices were effective for speaking skills especially in fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary. Second, the majority of learners were interested in, and all were satisfied with, using mobile devices for recording assignments. Therefore, based on these findings, it seems that doing voice recording assignments through mobile devices, and getting feedback from the teacher by email, can help learners in developing English speaking.


mobile device, university students’ speaking, recording assignment, cell phones, feedback, self-directed learning, group discussion


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