10Aug 2017


  • Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700020, West Bengal, India
  • Centre for research in nanoscience & nanotechnology, acharya prafulla chandra roy sikhsha prangan, university of Calcutta, jd-2, sector 3, salt lake city, kolkata-700108, West Bengal, India.
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Introduction: Incidence of ovarian cancer is increasing in female population in urban India. Till now most of the treatments are guided by the tumor parameters and many occasions the results of treatment have been unpredictable. This study aims to various molecular factors and will try to link then with the tumor factors. This study was evaluated prognostic significance of like NF-κB and p53 expression in ovarian cancer patients. Material and Methods: In this hospital based study 106 ovarian cancer patients attend at OPD in our institute of Eastern India. NF-κB and p53 protein expression was measured from cancer tissue sample by both Western Blot and RT-PCR Technique. For statistical analysis data were entered into a Microsoft excel spreadsheet and then analyzed by SPSS 20.0.1 and Graph Pad Prism version 5. Results: NF-κB was overexpressed with 66(66.2%) patients and p53 was activated with 69(65.21%) patients in ovarian carcinoma in Indian population. Statistically significant associations of NF-κB and p53 positive tumors were found in advance stage, grade, histopathology type and lymph node metastasis. It was showed that poor prognostic outcome was observed in NF-κB and p53 activated ovarian cancer patients. Conclusions: It was concluded NF-κB and p53 is an independent prognostic and predictive marker of Indian ovarian cancer. Thus the study can in a pioneering work in establishing new risk stratification system which will be an importance selecting appropriate adjuvant therapy following surgery. No such host-tumor integrating study has come out from this subcontinent and therefore is be of importance in establishing ovarian cancer patient?s guideline for general Indian population.

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[Debarshi Jana, Sambhunath Bandyopadhyay, Priyanka Upadhyay, Arghya Adhikary and Asim Kumar Manna. (2017); PROGNOSTICATION OF NF-ΚB AND P53 EXPRESSION IN DIFFERENT STAGE AND GRADE OF OVARIAN CANCER. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Aug). 603-610] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Debarshi Jana


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5095      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5095