20Nov 2017


  • Addis Ababa University, College of veterinary medicine and agriculture master program in veterinary surgery.
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The aims of this review were to illustrate the spectrum of fertility inhibitors or chemical sterilizations available for male dogs. The uncontrolled growth of a dog population can have a negative impact on public health and can create socioeconomic, political, and animal welfare problems. Consequently, several cities of the world, tried spay and neuter operations to prevent the persistent increase in the canine populations. Although surgery is the most effective and safe procedure, it is also expensive so use of non-surgical, sterilization methods that would make male sterilization inexpensive, easy and fast for sterilization of large number of male dogs within short period of time to effectively contribute to curb the growth of the stray dog population were introduced. Chemical sterilization methods so far employed included hormonal methods, immunocontraceptives and Inorganic Chemo-sterilants (chemo-sterilants such as calcium chloride - CaCl2, zinc gluconate neutralized by arginine (Neutersol) and hypertonic sodium chloride -NaCl solution). At present the most promising methods are the immunocontraception/sterilization vaccines and Inorganic Chemo-sterilants. Intratesticular injection of calcium chloride (CaCl2), Zinc gluconate (Neutersol), and 20% NaCl hypertonic solution showed a promising result as chemical sterilants. The review concluded that the main challenges for the future are evaluating the feasibility, effectiveness, sustainability, and effects of mass nonsurgical sterilization campaigns on dog population size and impact as well as integrating nonsurgical fertility control with disease vaccination and public education programs. Accordingly, it is recommended that immunocontraceptives and male sterilants need to be given further attention they deserve for application of dog population management. Therefore chemical sterilization methods have to be experimentally explored for their efficacy and potential applicability under local condition for the development of additional more cost effective sterilization tool than surgical sterilization.

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[Ahmed Hassan and Abebe Fromsa. (2017); REVIEW ON CHEMICAL STERILIZATION OF MALE DOGS. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (Nov). 758-770] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5828      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/5828