31Oct 2016


  • Lecturer women’s studies ravenshaw university, Cuttack.
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This paper shows the predicaments of women in our society due to our patriarchal social system. One of the major hurdles in the path of development for women and girls in our society is violence and one of the most crucial perquisites is empowerment. Only when women are empowered can social evils and discriminations against them will diminish thereby eradicating violence from their lives. Empowerment cannot be cohesive with violence hence negating any empowered status of women if she faces violence even in the slightest form. Many women have a concept of empowerment but achieving it is not an easy task in any given society especially at grass root level and tribal societies. In tribal societies women are in some aspects more empowered than their urban or rural counterparts but many times and in many crucial issues empowerment eludes them. This era of development faces a major crux in form the mythical empowered status of women, as women cannot be empowered when so many women are facing major human rights violations in forms of Rape to Dowry. This paper tries to touch the core issues of violence against women, those issues that are hidden and are considered taboo in most societies. Issues like incest and unwed mother hood that drop a woman especially at grass root level in state of helplessness that further deteriorates her status thus intensifying the victimization of the victim.

[Dr. Pragyan Mohanty. (2016); FEMINIZATION OF VIOLENCE: A DOMESTIC PERSPECTIVE. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 4 (Oct). 1557-1559] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com



Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/1964      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/1964