14Jun 2023


  • Department of Human Physiology, University of Jos.
  • Department of Veterinary Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Jos.
  • Centre for Biotechnology and Genetic engineering, University of Jos.
  • Department of Internal Medicine University of Jos.
  • Berkeley Public Health University of California, Berkeley.
  • Department of Human Anatomy, University of Jos.
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Particularly in low-income nations, infectious illnesses continue to be a significant global health burden. The interaction of stem cells with infectious diseases has become a fascinating field of study with bright therapeutic potential. This review article seeks to give readers an overview of how cells interact with one another in disease, with a particular focus on how stem cells interact with a few specific infectious diseases and their therapeutic potential in low-income nations. The definition and several types of stem cells are introduced at the outset of the review, with a focus on their capacity for regeneration and immunomodulation. The significance of stem cells in tissue repair and regeneration is next discussed, emphasizing their potential to lessen the damaging effects of infectious illnesses on host tissues.The article also examines the behaviour and function of stem cells as well as the direct and indirect effects of pathogens on stem cells. Examining the immune systems function in controlling the interaction between infections and stem cells helps to understand the intricate cellular cross-talk involved. The review examines the therapeutic potential of stem cell-based therapies for infectious diseases in the context of low-income nations. It addresses the potential of stem cell treatments for conditions like HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases while highlighting the developments and difficulties associated with applying these treatments in settings with limited resources.Overall, this review demonstrates the complex relationship between stem cells and infectious diseases and offers insights into the potential therapeutic applications of stem cell-based therapies in low-income nations. It emphasizes the requirement for additional study, teamwork, and the creation of affordable and widely available stem cell therapies to effectively combat infectious diseases and enhance healthcare outcomes in settings with limited resources.

[Galam N.Z, Yusuf A.I, Tsoho F., Hamza W.R, Miri P., Dimka L., James G., Usman Y., Ninmol J. and Gomerep S.S (2023); CELL CROSS TALK IN DISEASES: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN STEM CELLS AND SOME INFECTIOUS DISEASES, THERAPEUTIC PROSPECTS IN LOW-INCOME COUNTRIES Int. J. of Adv. Res. 11 (Jun). 681-688] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Nanyak Zingfa Galam
Dept. of Human Physiology, University of Jos


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17115      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/17115