10Aug 2020


  • Professor at the University of Education and Education in Kabul, College of Islamic Studies
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In this article, you will read a brief definition of the commentator, whos Tafsir has been one of the most popular Persian language Tafsirs in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, the Indian subcontinent, and even Turkey for many years.This Tafsir has been published more than ten times only in Bombay, Calcutta, Lucknow, and other Indian cities and in various publications. According to some sources, this was the first Tafsirs published in Persian, and its author has traveled to India.The commentator of that Tafsir, (Waez Kashefi Heravi), was one of the great Sufis and one of the friends and devotees of Maulana Abdul Rahman Jami Heravi, the famous poet and popular Sufi.As you will read in this article, According to a strong friendship between them, Waez Kashefi gets married to Moulana Jamis daughter according to one opinion, and according to another opinion, gets married to his sister.Among the merits of the author of this Tafsir was that he was not only excelled in religious sciences but also he has been skilled and knowledgeable in modern sciences such as astronomy, magic, numbers, oratory, Persian, and Arabic literature, etc. In this article, you will read that Waez Kashefi has written many books, even which his compilations list is more than 40. In short, the respected reader in this article gets acquainted with three things: with an important Tafsir book of the ninth and tenth centuries AH, with the author of this book, and with his interpretation method.

[Muhammad Arif Ataee (2020); KASHEFI HERAVI AND HIS FAMOUS TAFSIR TAFSIR HOSSEINI IN A FEW LINES Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Aug). 646-656] (ISSN 2320-5407). www.journalijar.com

Dr. Muhammad Arif Ataee


Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/11538      
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/11538