La labor polemista de los cristianos orientales y su contribución a la difusión del saber en el oriente musulmán.

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Within the polemic work which was developed by Eastern Christians it is necessary to underline the transmission of the whole of the religious conceptions, the kinds of argumentation and defence of the dogma, the elaboration of the discourse, the debate techniques used, the vocabulary which was adapted and generated, the rewriting developed from the Biblical material and Quranic criticism, as well as the refutations of the Muslim ideas, and the huge information which is inside the intrachristian polemics. Theology is the most important element to describe the abridged knowledge which is in all of the treatises which make whole the polemic typology. This element allows us to rebuild the rich and involved tram which forms the 'theological knowledge' of the different Ch1istian churches and the several Muslim trends too. This, polemics help to clarify the processes which shape the ideology of the different human groups in conflict.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages