Analysis of Student Learning Activity in Thematic Integrated (Study At Sdit Al-Qur’aniyyah)

Mujiati Astuti, Fauzan Fauzan, Anis Fuadah Zuhri



This research was conducted with the aim of knowing and describing the factors that influence student learning activeness in thematic integrated learning in SDIT Al-Qur'aniyyah. The research method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method using data collection techniques in the form of interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study can be concluded that the factors that influence student learning activeness in thematic learning in SDIT Al-Qur'aniyyah are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors consist of 1). Physiological factors, which include physical condition, get a percentage of 79% in the "Good" category and physical functions get a percentage of 93% in the "Very Good" category 2). Psychological factors include, attention gets a percentage of 84% is in the "Very Good" category, responses get a percentage of 69% is in the "Good" category, memory gets a percentage of 65% is in the "Good" category, motivation gets a percentage of 80% is in the "Very Good" category and interest in getting a percentage of 75% is in the "Good" category. Then the external factors consist of 1). Non-social factors which include where to get a percentage of 75% are in the "Good" category, the atmosphere gets a percentage of 62% are in the "Good" category and learning facilities get a percentage of 88% is in the " Very Good" category 2). Social factors include teachers, who get a percentage of 81% are in the "Very Good" category, friends get a percentage of 69% are in the "Good" category and families get a percentage of 85% is in the "Very Good" category.


Learning Activeness; Student Learning; Thematic Integrated

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