Design of technology-based rehabilitation pathways: the experience of Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital


  • Luigi Iuppariello Department of Rehabiliation, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon
  • Mario Cesarelli Department of Electric Engineering and Information Technologies (DIETI), School of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples
  • Giuliana Faiella Fondazione Santobono Pausilipon, Naple
  • S. Esposito Department of Rehabiliation, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples
  • M. Nespoli Department of Rehabiliation, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples
  • L. Foggia Department of Rehabiliation, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, Naples
  • Fabrizio Clemente IBB-CNR Professor at University „Tor Vergata”, Rome.



The fields of rehabilitation robotics and virtual reality (VR) are becoming a growing area in the clinical rehabilitation of people with motion impairments. These systems have the potential to assess abilities through physiological measurements and modelling activities such as posture, gait, and balance. They can be used as rehabilitative tools by providing patients with task-specific training in a motivating and engaging way too. Although the potential advantages of such systems, until now there is a general limitation of their use in rehabilitative practice. Robotics and VR systems can be challenging, engaging and fun, particularly for children with disabilities, since they are often not very motivated to comply with conventional therapy. The aim of this work is to accurately describe the clinical use of innovative rehabilitative technologies and their use for the development of two technology-based rehabilitation pathways for the treatment of gait disorders following obesity and neurological diseases in treatment of pediatric patients.

Author Biography

Fabrizio Clemente, IBB-CNR Professor at University „Tor Vergata”, Rome.

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biostructures Bioimaging, National Research Council of Italy, Rome.






Research Papers