Estimation of Soil Organic Matter on Paddy Field using Remote Sensing Method

Luthfan Nur Habibi, Komariah Komariah, Dwi Priyo Ariyanto, Jauhari Syamsiyah, Takashi S.T. Tanaka


Soil organic matter (SOM) is one of the important parameters in agriculture management, thus estimating its distribution on the land will be essential. Remote sensing can be utilized to map the SOM distribution in the large-scale area. The objective of this research was to determine the estimation of SOM distribution on the paddy field in Sukoharjo Regency, Indonesia using Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The sampling points were determined by purposive sampling based on an overlay of land use classification map of paddy field, NDSI (Normalized Difference Soil Index) map, and soil type map. The analysis method was used simple linear regression (SLR) and multiple linear regression (MLR) between SOM content and a digital number of Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The SLR analysis resulted that all band except band 1 and 5 of Landsat 8 OLI Imagery have the capability to estimating SOM. The MLR model based on best subset analysis resulted in the combination of bands 3, 4, 6, and 7 was the best model for estimating SOM distribution (R2=0.399).  The MLR model was used to create SOM distribution map on paddy field in Sukoharjo Regency and resulted in the SOM range of the area is distributed from very low (<1%) to moderate (2.1–4.2%) with the largest area was on low level (1–2%) about 11,028 ha. The result indicates that Landsat 8 OLI Imagery could be used for mapping the SOM distribution.


Landsat 8 OLI; NDSI; PCA; Precision agriculture; Regression

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