Dewi Sawitri, Ihdayani Banun Afa, Tri Yuliyanti, Deni Faizal Zulang Riyadi, Imam Setyawan


Tambak Lorok is one of the coastal areas in Semarang city which is located along the Banger River, Tanjung Mas district. Tambak Lorok environment is included as a dirty and improper environment for habitation due to the high amount of stingy trash. In fact, the use of plastic and bottle plastic is constantly increasing from year to year. As result, this certainly causes complex problems for both prevention and handling. Because of its characteristic which is difficult to be decomposed by natural decomposer, plastics become the most common and dangerous soil polutor. Using the plastic trash become handcraft is an effort to minimize the disposal of plastics and to save energy resources in a certain extent and to reduce the dependency of imported raw materials. Utilization of plastic trash on a household scale can be done by reusing plastic trash for different purposes, e.g. wall paint places which is made from plastics can be used for piggy bank, verticulture or pencil case. This handicraft from plastic trash is intended for 22 elementary school children in Tambak Lorok village. It can enable them to develop their creativity as well as to have awareness in maintaining environmental hygiene in order to realize Tambak lorok as a marine tourism spot and to support government program for Indonesia free of waste in 2020. Environmental education (eco learning) is very important, especially to maintain the eco-system and environment of the community of Tambak Lorok. Therefore, we try to combine the application of environment-based learning and make handicraft to overcome the problems above. Environmental education by utilizing plastic trash thoroughly is expected to be a stimulus in empowering Tambak Lorok villager as a mean of awareness of the children to the environment and to assist the community in optimizing plastic trash so that people have the ability and potential in fostering environmental care and creative characters.



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