Implementation of The Video Project with Distance Learning on The Basic Chemistry Course

Hanifah Setiowati, Lenni Khotimah Harahap, Julia Mardhiya


Education in the 4.0 era encourages the use of digital technology in a sustainable learning process. This article tries to analyze student responses to implementing a video project in a basic chemistry course. This research is qualitative research with a survey method. The participants were 74 students of the Chemistry Education Study Program and Mathematics Study Program consisting of 8 male students and 66 female students. Data collection techniques using online questionnaires by google form application. The steps in this study are  Search for instrument literature to be compiled on the google form, compile a google form student response to the implementation of the video project, distribute the google form questionnaire link to students, and analyze the data obtained. The results showed that students positively responded to the implementation of the video project in terms of autonomy, teamwork, and technology used. The implementation of video projects improves learning skills, collaboration, and digital literacy independently, although students experience problems in video editing because they are not used to using these.


General Chemistry; distance learning; video project

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