
Infectious Diseases

Effects of combination therapy with interferon alpha-2b and vitamins E and C on the course of acute respiratory infections and influenza in children: results of meta-analysis

This article presents findings from a meta-analysis of studies published over the last 25 years that evaluated the effects of interferon-alpha-2b with an antioxidant complex containing vitamins E and C on the course of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children, duration of viral shedding, and the frequency of complications.
Objective. Тo summarize and evaluate the results of studies assessing the effects of a combination drug containing interferonalpha-2b and vitamins E and C on the course of influenza and ARVI in children.
Materials and methods. We performed a meta-analysis of available publications describing the impact of a combination drug containing interferon-alpha-2b and vitamins E and C on the course of influenza and ARVI in children. Data analysis was performed in accordance with the principles of the Cochrane Collaboration using the RevMan software.
Results. According to the studies included in this meta-analysis, the drug containing interferon-alpha-2b in combination with vitamins E and C significantly reduces the duration of the main ARVI/influenza symptoms, duration of viral shedding, frequency of complications, and promotes normalization of the immune parameters.
Conclusion. Meta-analysis of studies evaluating the efficacy of a combination drug containing interferon-alpha-2b and vitamins E and C demonstrated that its inclusion into the treatment scheme for ARVI and influenza in children reduces the duration of catarrhal symptoms, rhinorrhea, intoxication, and febrile syndrome. Suppositories were more effective in eliminating the main
symptoms of influenza and ARVI compared to gel and ointment. A combination of suppositories and the ointment was most effective in treating catarrhal symptoms. None adverse events associated with the drug were registered. The use of various dosage forms of interferon-alpha-2b in combination with vitamins E and C reduced the duration of viral shedding and improved immune parameters, resulting in a lower incidence of complications and recurrent infections.
Key words: viral shedding, Viferon®, influenza, children, interferon, interferon-alpha-2b, intoxication, catarrhal symptoms, fever, ARVI, complications, rhinitis, rhinorrhea
For citation: Ruzhentsova T.A., Meshkova N.A., Khavkina D.А. Effects of combination therapy with interferon alpha-2b and vitamins E and C on the course of acute respiratory infections and influenza in children: results of meta-analysis. Infekc. bolezni (Infectious diseases). 2020; 18(2): 68–78. (In Russian). DOI: 10.20953/1729-9225-2020-2-68-78

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