Online ISSN : 2423-9925
Print ISSN : 1343-6627
それは何であるか : 経営哲学とは?(自由論題)
平手 賢治
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 12 巻 p. 71-82


This paper analyzes the basis of management. The modern management theories naturally have the assumption of the modern thinking framework, the <end-mean> framework. From the point of view that European civilization is one of diverse civilizations in human history, I study the validity of the <end-mean> framework, and another framework overcoming modernity. This study's fundamental perspective is a theory of <being>. I suggest a theory of management philosophy different from the mainstream management philosophy, on the basis of a state that arises from peculiarly mixing the essentia (the what is it) and the existentia (the that it is) , or Sollen and Sein. This management philosophy based on a theory of <being = physis> is called 'management as phronesis'. Management as phronesis absorbs some fruits of a theory of Hermeneutik, a theory of Rhetoric, and a theory of reflective equilibrium.

2005 日本経営倫理学会
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