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Chapter 11: Leadership in the Larger Context: Leading Among Leaders

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  • Marshall, Elaine Sorensen
  • Broome, Marion E.


This chapter explores various regulatory and political arenas in which leaders of nursing operate and to recognize strategies to improve the viability of nursing expertise. Physicians can become distressed when nurse practitioners write prescriptions; nurses resist registered care technicians at the bedside; radiological technicians are upset when dental assistants take x-rays. In the larger arena, health care leadership may include effective response to policy and politics but must also include effective influence on policy and politics. To meet the needs for primary care, it will be especially important for physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurses (APNs) to work together to understand the perspective of the other in order to best serve the public. The transformational leader in health care must be fluent in current issues and activities related to health policy. Resources, regulations, and decision making in health care are increasingly influenced by legislative and professional policy.