
Chae, Hee-Rahk. 2015. A Comprehensive Syntactic Analysis of Korean [... V ... V] Expressions I: Auxiliary Predicate Constructions and Case Alternation. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 40-3, 545-580. This paper is an attempt to achieve the goal of providing a comprehensive analysis of Korean [... V1 ... V2] expressions. Under the assumption that these expressions can be divided into auxiliary predicate constructions (APCs), converb/adverbial constructions and idiomatic constructions, we focus on the analysis of APCs in this paper. APCs are distinguished from the others in that the auxiliary predicate V2 takes a VP/S in which V1 occurs as its complement. In typical APCs, the unit containing V1 is a VP, and V1 and V2 share their subject (i.e., their subjects are the same). There are other (non-typical) types of APCs. In some APCs, V2 takes an S (rather than a VP) as its complement and, hence, the two Vs do not share their subject. In other APCs, V2 triggers case alternation in some complements of V1. In addition, different types of V2s (i.e., auxiliary predicates) can occur sequentially and their interactions show interesting phenomena, including complex patterns of case alternation. Despite the large quantity of previous studies, they fail to provide a systematic account of these phenomena. In this paper, under the spirit of mono-stratal approaches, it will be shown that the properties of individual V2s and their interactions can be accounted for effectively with reference to the subcategorization frames of the V2s involved. We do not employ any other mechanisms only for APCs. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)


auxiliary predicate constructions, complements, subcategorization frames, case alternation, [... V1 ... V2] expressions, Korean.


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