Selection in vitro of mycoparasites with potential for biological control on Coffee Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix)

Irene Gómez-De La Cruz, Emiliano Pérez-Portilla, Esteban Escamilla-Prado, Misael Martínez-Bolaños, Gloria Luz L. Carrión-Villarnovo, Tania I. Hernández-Leal


Abstract. In order to isolate and identify mycoparasites of Hemileia vastatrix and to know their potential as a biological control for Coffee Leaf Rust, from December 2014 to January 2015, samples of Arabica coffee with pustules and the presence of possible mycoparasites were sampled. The fungi associated with the pustules were isolated and identified morphometrically at the genus level. The percentage of mycoparasitism in vitro of three of the isolates on rust pustules was evaluated. We obtained 23 isolates of microorganisms associated with rust pustules: Lecanicillium spp. (7), Calcarisporium sp. (4), Sporothrix sp. (4) and Simplicillium spp. (8). All the isolates evaluated showed mycoparasitism in rust uredospores; however, 120 h after inoculation, the highest percentages (P = 0.05) were obtained with Simplicillium sp. (89%) and Lecanicillium sp. (68%).


Lecanicillium; Calcarisporium; Sporothrix; Simplicillium

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