Importance of Self-Directed Learning

Importance of Self-Directed Learning
Cristina TIMPAU

All changes in society always changing living conditions and human activity putting the human face and many other issues that I always require prompt and adequate continuous adaptation to the requirements of modern life, always based on up to date information and the ability to develop behavior flexible in relation to circumstances. Modern man is forced to continuously learn to cope during his life changes that occur in the universe of knowledge, in his professional work, the entire content of life.
This research has proposed the views of students on the introduction of a special course in the academic curricula in order to prepare them for lifelong learning, independent learning. Thus were identified reasons why students should attend this course with functions: motivation for learning, identifying learning styles and strategies, setting learning objectives according to their needs, planning, monitoring and assessment of learning, training and development of cognitive skills, motivational and resource management. The research is important because it measures the contribution of students to their own training through the use of self-directed learning guides, their motivation to prepare and develop as individuals capable of facing life alone and successfully obstacles, particularly those related to training.
Keywords: self-directed learning, metacognition, motivation, learning styles and strategies, learning objects.

