The Impact of Organization Communication on Employee Performance Through Employee’s Work Motivation at Pt. Putri Panda Unit Ii Tulungagung, East Jawa, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the description condition of the organizational communication, employees motivation and performance in PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung; (2) the effect of organizational communication directly or indirectly on the employee’s performance through employees motivation at PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung. This study uses a questionnaire that covered the instrument, interview, and observation. The population in this study is the employee of PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung. The sample in this study is saturated samples are all employees of PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung (72 respondents). Analysis of the data in this study using path analysis. Based on the analysis of PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung found that: (1) Condition organizational communication in the category of obvious, employee motivation in the high category, and employee performance in the high cathegory; (2) There is a positive effect of organizational communication directly or indirectly to the performance of employees through employee motivation at PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung. Based on the results of the study, researchers suggest: (1) Increase or improve organizational communication by organizing joint activities outside working hours, ie by holding recreational and outbound.; (2) The employees of PT Putri Panda Unit II Tulungagung expected willingly to improve feedback when communicating with the leaders.


Keywords: Organizational Communication, Employee Motivation, Employee Performance

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