Central European Business Review 2022, 11(3):17-38 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.293

Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Hope for the Brand of Hydroderm with the Moderating Role of Brand Charisma

Abbas Ali Rastgar ORCID...1, Ghazale Taheri2, Hooshmand Bagheri Garbollagh3, Omid Solati Nejad4
Semnan University, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Administrative Sciences, Semnan, Iran, a_rastgar@semnan.ac.ir
Semnan University, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Administrative Sciences, Semnan, Iran, Ghazale_thr@semnan.ac.ir
Semnan University, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Administrative Sciences, Semnan, Iran, h_bagheri@semnan.ac.ir
Semnan University, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Administrative Sciences, Semnan, Iran, Omidsolati76@gmail.com

With the expansion of different brands in similar classes of products and the close competition of brand owners in attracting and retaining more customers, the production of ethical brands that are subject to ethical principles in all stages of the process of supply, production, presentation, and sale of products has become one of the most important factors in creating superiority and brand differentiation in expanding customer communication and interaction with the brand. Given the importance of the role of brand ethical value in establishing effective customer relationships with the brand, this study aimed at investigating the predictions and consequences of consumer hope for the brand of Hydroderm with the role of brand charisma. The present study used a survey method to collect data and a correlation method to analyze the data. The statistical population of the study included 327 consumers of Hydroderm cosmetics brands; they were selected using the available sampling method. Information was collected using a Likert-point questionnaire, and data analysis was performed by structural equation modelling. The findings showed that the perceived ethical value of the brand on the obsessive brand passion and harmonious brand passion on consumer hope for the brand had a positive and significant effect. Moreover, obsessive brand passion did not have a significant effect on consumer hope for the brand. In addition, brand charisma mediated the effect of the perceived ethical value of the brand on the harmonious brand passion and obsessive brand passion. Finally, a positive and significant effect was found between consumer hope for brand and brand-customer interaction.
Implications for Central European audience: Since most Central European countries seek to use the social media space to introduce and sell their brands to all parts of the world, including Asian countries, identifying and understanding how the perceived ethical value of the brand affects consumers interaction of with the brand can be a good practical guide to improve their activities with Asian countries that are subject to Islamic and ethical values. The recommendations obtained from the results show that the behavioural, personality, operational values of the brand as well as its responsibility can increase customers’ desire for the brand and maintain their interactive relationship by giving the consumer hope for the brand.

Keywords: brand charisma; consumer hope for a brand; the perceived ethical value of a brand
JEL classification: M31

Received: July 15, 2021; Revised: September 15, 2021; Accepted: September 26, 2021; Prepublished online: December 17, 2021; Published: July 18, 2022  Show citation

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Rastgar, A.A., Taheri, G., Garbollagh, H.B., & Nejad, O.S. (2022). Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Hope for the Brand of Hydroderm with the Moderating Role of Brand Charisma. Central European Business Review11(3), 17-38. doi: 10.18267/j.cebr.293
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