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The Evaluation of Nursing Students to Nursing Skill Practices Using the Blended Learning in Japan

Kiyoko Tokunaga 1, Yoko Yamaguchi 1, and Miwa Yamamoto 2
1. Kyoto Koka Women’s University
2. Tottori University

Abstract—This study was conducted using the nursing skill class (exercise style) to clarify evaluation of blended learning from the perspective of nursing students. [Method] Open-ended questions were used for collecting data about the education program. We analyzed responses using “Trend search” text mining software (Fujitsu Co. Ltd.) to map relational words and to analyze relational line size and distance to ascertain relation strength. [Result] Mapping yielded three wedges. Results suggest that, for nursing skill practice in Japan, the range of the computer-mediated learning from face-to-face learning methods can be distinguished in nursing student evaluations.

Index Terms—Blended Learning, nursing skill, nursing education

Cite: Kiyoko Tokunaga, Yoko Yamaguchi, and Miwa Yamamoto, "The Evaluation of Nursing Students to Nursing Skill Practices Using the Blended Learning in Japan," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 19-22, March 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.1.19-22