A Stake In The Ground: A New Approach To Cache Analysis

Authors:Weikle, Dee, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia McKee, Sally, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia Wulf, Wm, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Virginia

As the processor-memory performance gap continues to grow, so does the need for effective tools and metrics to guide the design of efficient memory hierarchies to bridge that gap. Aggregate statistics of cache performance can be useful for comparison, but they give us little insight into how to improve the design of a particular component. We propose a different approach to cache analysis -- viewing caches as filters -- and present two new metrics for analyzing cache behavior: instantaneous hit rate and instantaneous locality. We demonstrate how these measures can give us insight into the reference pattern of an executing program, and show an application of these measures in analyzing the effectiveness of the second level cache of a particular memory hierarchy.

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Source Citation:

Weikle, Dee, Sally McKee, and Wm Wulf. "A Stake In The Ground: A New Approach To Cache Analysis." University of Virginia Dept. of Computer Science Tech Report (1997).

University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science
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