
A zoologist Malcolm P. Anderson came to the Jeju island to investigate the animal on the island in 1905. Ichikawa accompanied as his interpreter. Ichikawa returned to Japan, and wrote the travel report ‘Saisyutokikou (Jeju travel piece, 1906)’. The Jeju Studies is various sciences of Jeju. In the Jeju Studies, Jeju is researched overall like the overhead view. This paper is a re-interpretation of Ichikawa's ‘Saisyutokiko’ in the standpoint of Jeju Studies. And, it compared it with ‘Forty Days in Quelpart Island’(1914) of Anderson. These two texts offer important material, it can know Jeju at that time in 1905. Especially, there is a valuable photograph in Anderson's text. Ichikawa's text had been academically evaluated in a natural science up to now. However, there was no evaluation in human literature. The reason is that Ichikawa negatively wrote Jeju. For instance, It has corrupted politically, people are ignorant and unclean. However, only it thinks it is worthy in this paper, because it shows at that time as it is. Anderson(1914) did not refer to political affairs of Jeju at all.


제주도기행, 제주도, 제주학, 1905년.


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