Designing on Optical Wireless Communication for 5G Mobile Applications

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The emphasis of this paper is on designing 5G networks infrastructure, offering a better wireless and optical network segment transport scheme with domains for applications for mobile phones. Identify the appropriate set of power grid wireless (optical/optical) technologies) and processing modules needed to facilitate 5G mobile services in an energy-efficient a two-stage optimization framework and the premium way is suspected. A multi-objective method in the first iteration is for optimization, where reflects on the element of the transport network strives to jointly reduce the expenditures on investment of the 5G mobile network. This is done to determine the minimum mobile technologies for wireless and optical power grids. The second stage focuses on the branch of the web server and aims to define effective modules of processing to which 5G operational systems need to be distributed. The performances of the proposal are investigated using separate clustering algorithms, reasonable traffic statistics choices such as mm-wave and optical passive networks (PONs) for optical grid transport, fixed, and elastic networks in Bristol, UK, via a city-wide topology. To give more advantages to 5G applications, our paper proposed a 5G communication using optical wireless technology.


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Article Details

How to Cite, T. (2021). Designing on Optical Wireless Communication for 5G Mobile Applications. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(3), 1472–1482. Retrieved from
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