Hul O.


Polish Studies of Kyiv: works of International scientific conference, Kyiv, 23-25 of May, 2018. / chief editor R. Radyshevskyi. – vol. XXXV. – Kyiv: Talkom, 2019. – P. 444-451.


Hul O.


Abstract. The key focus of the Article is based on the new trend in Chinese poetry named “Misty poetry”, which appeared in China in the 20 century as a rebellion and notice of appeal in the literary circles of young generation. Under the political and social pressure of the totalitarian regime in China, and in the conditions of total control over the literary process, there appeared a new style of expressing own thoughts and believes among youth, called “Misty poetry” or revolutionary poetry. This Article is revealing the aim, preconditions and key tasks of Misty poets. Being a leader of the Misty poets’ group, popular Chinese poet Bei Dao is taken as a vivid example of revolutionary youth of the 20 century. The Article shows his political, social and literary activity as an example of the whole Misty group idea. The main aspects provided in the Article are based on the great love and respect of the Misty poets towards China, Chinese language, Chinese nature and culture. The Article shows how difficult it was for the poets to be far away from their Motherland and to have no chance to come back, how dif- ficult it was to write Chinese poetry being forbidden in native country. The Article also reveals the “Secret code of culture and nation” which is based on the symbols and words of native language. The “Secret code of culture and nation” is understood only by the native speakers, loving their Motherland. The Article uses original poetry of Bei Dao and is also based on the original historical and political facts, taking into account interviews with the poet, which show his real way of thinking in the terms of Misty poetry. The inner world of Bei Dao is described in the examples of his poetry: “Local Dialect” (“乡音”), “Hello, Bai Hua Shan” (“你好,百花山”), “Let’s go” (“走吧”). Nearly all of his poetry tells about true love for China and a great dream of using native language without fear and persecution. We provide a description of the hidden way of Bei Dao’s thinking, while analyzing his great poem “Local Dialect” (“乡音”). Each word should be examined taking into account the unique symbols of China. Bei Dao believes that only people, loving Chinese culture and loving Chinese language can under- stand the deep meaning of Misty poetry.

Key words: Bei Dao, Misty poets, Misty poetry, underground poetry, cultural revolution, 朦胧诗, 北岛 , Motherland.

Information about author: Hul Oleksandra, teacher/lecturer at the Department of German Philology, Ph.D. student at the Department of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
