Resources for the relevance of openings and closures within language columns in the press

Keywords: language columns, structure of journalistic texts, openings, closings


The journalistic column genre has great freedom of disposition and style, which makes it very difficult to any attempt any formal regulation. However, after considering one of the guidelines suggested by the editors of this monographic volume –the one that refers to expressive resources and linguistic-discursive structures used in journalistic texts–, we conceived the possibility of analysing some aspects that would serve to regulate, in some way, the one hundred and two columns that, on linguistic issues, were collected in the book El habla nuestra de cada día (Cortés, 2019). The analysis of these columns showed two outstanding ideas: a) the author's concern for the relevance of openings and closings, and b) the constant repetition of the different resources used in both sequences throughout the columns. The article takes a careful look at those resources were and their function in discourse.


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How to Cite
Cortés Rodríguez, L. (2020). Resources for the relevance of openings and closures within language columns in the press. Texts in Process, 6(2), 25-36.