Concentration of major elements and composition of the accessory minerals in the bottom sediments and subsea permafrost from the Buor-Khaya Bay

Published: 2 November 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/x9mpfrb36j.3
Alexander Ulyantsev, Natalia Polyakova


The deposition contains a data on concentration of major elements and of accessory minerals in 105 samples of the bottom sediments and subsea permafrost rocks from the Buor-Khaya Bay. Results of elemental and mineralogical analyses are shown in Supplementary Table 1 and 2 respectively. Tables file contains field data and provides the identified minerals, as well as intervals and mean values of the content of elements and minerals in sediments.


Steps to reproduce

The drilling cores were obtained during polar expeditions in April 2014 (1D-14 and 3D-14) and March–April 2015 (1D-15) (Fig.1). Quantitative analyses of elements and oxides were carried out with EDX-Ray fluorescence using a EDX-800-HS analyzer (Shimadzu, Japan). For mineral analysis the dried samples were sieved, weighed and visually investigated using a SM0745 stereomicroscope.


Institut himii DVO RAN, Institut okeanologii imeni P P Sirsova RAN


Arctic Ocean, Arctic Geology, Lithology, Permafrost
