Bibliometric dataset on advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) using Scopus and Web of Science databases: research trends

Published: 13 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/w5dn9jdb67.1
Ivan Macías-Quiroga,


· Data are useful because it shows the chronological evolution of publications, most cited articles and authors who have done research in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), as well as the institutions, countries and scientific journals that have published the most on this topic. Likewise, most frequently used research areas and keywords through the last years were included. · This bibliometric analysis enabled the visualization of publications on AOPs from 1980 to 2018, providing a global view of completed researches, all aiming at contributing to further research, cooperation and alliances among researchers (co-authorship network). · Researchers in the area of AOPs can benefit from these data because the article explores the main research trends, based on a bibliometric analysis of the two main databases (Scopus and WoS). · The scientific community can use these bibliometric data from many perspectives. The dataset provides a thesaurus of authors (co-authorship), affiliations, journals, countries, subject area and most frequent words leading to recognizing the top ones. Besides, these data can be helpful in shortlisting, comparing and creating in different ways (e.g. chronologically). · The search strategy used in this work involved a process of manual filtering of publication titles, authors and institutions to guarantee data reliability and to identify the most relevant contributions in the development of AOPs. Besides, other analysis units were manually filtered by checking keywords, countries, years of publication, etc. Therefore, data can be used by other scientific publications on AOPs.


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Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Manizales


Advanced Oxidation Process, Bibliometrics
