Spiking and Behavioral Data supporting article by Sales-Carbonnel et al., Current Biology 2018

Published: 1 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/4hv73sgb5b.1
David Robbe


The dataset contains neurophysiological and behavioral data use to generate a manuscript accepted for publication in Current Biology 2018. [No discrete start/stop signals in the dorsal striatum of mice performing a learned action by Carola Sales-Carbonell1,2,3*, Wahiba Taouali1,2,3*, Loubna Khalki1,2,3, Matthieu O. Pasquet1,2,3, Ludovic F. Petit1,2,3, Typhaine Moreau1,2,3, Pavel E. Rueda-Orozco1,2,3 and David Robbe1,2,3] The data is organized by folder. Each folder is an animal. And in each animal folder there are folders that contain behavioral and/or neurophysiological data from different experimental sessions. The data are used by Jupyter Notebooks (python) to generate the figures presented in the article


Steps to reproduce

Download the data and unzip. Instruction to use the data are described in a bitbucket repository that contains python codes and a list of soft/libraries with specific version: https://bitbucket.org/davidrobbe/sales-cabonell_manuscript




Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience, Neurophysiology
