Code book "Dimensions of Quality of Work Life"

Published: 2 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zmtsnw8bj2.1
Laura del Pilar Quiñones Rozo,


Expressed by the 7 dimensions that make up the instrument of the quantitative approach institutional support, job security, integration into the job, job satisfaction, well-being achieved through work, personal development in work and free time management, which are inserted in the analytical matrices of the approach to the integration of methods. See supplementary material at


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This article is part of the doctoral thesis of one of the authors, entitled "Quality of Life at Work of Human Talent in Health of Adult Critical Care Units, an Integrative Vision" developed between September 2020 and September 2021 in the context of a pandemic by COVID-19 under the direction of the coauthor, and it is in impound at the University to which it was presented as part of the requirements to qualify for the title of Doctor of Health. It is not indexed until the publications resulting from the investigation are made. Guiding questions are written to the semi-structured interviews adapted from other authors(23) and are found in the complementary material. Interviews were used via a virtual platform, recorded and carried out outside working hours in their homes, and transcribed using codes to ensure confidentiality. Each participant was also given an electronic notebook, in Word format, shared on a drive to which only the participant and the principal investigator had access. It was used to describe in detail issues about their working life in the Adult Critical Care, with weekly monitoring through meetings via chat.


Universidad del Valle Facultad de Salud


Occupational Health in Care Setting


Universidad del Valle

IC 1917
