Al-Isti‘ārah fī al-Āyāti al-Qur’āniyah wa Tarjamatiḥā ilā al-Indūnīsiyyah

Dadang Firdaus, Djeprin E. Hulawa, Fatimah Depi Susanti, Jon Pamil


When metaphor can be seen in the Noble Qur'an from several aspects, such as the definition of metaphor among classical and modern scientists, and explaining its development, its pillars, values, division, and role in the meaning of each expression, as well as displaying the value of balaghah in isti'arah contained in the verses of the Qur'an, the authors analyze and conclude this data in the aspect of translation by referring to the interpretations of the Qur'an and balaghah books. After the researcher made observations on the translation of the verses of the Qur'an which contained metaphors of various types, the researchers obtained two-sided conclusions, some translations matched the translation criteria and some that did not. And this happens because of the translator's lack of attention to the general metaphorical values contained in it. While metaphors make a great contribution to the understanding of the verses of the Qur'an with the understanding of their true meaning to the Arabs. And the translation of the verses of the Qur'an without paying attention to isti'arah will give birth to lafaz that do not contain the intended meaning and will not enter into the true understanding.


Metaphor; Translation; Al-Qur'an

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