Written production in EFL through blogging and cooperative learning at A-level




Palabras clave:

A-level; English as a Foreign Language; Blogging; cooperative learning; written production



Our main objective is to verify whether learners improved their level of EFL written production through blogging from the perspective of the Cooperative Learning approach. The learners participating in this experiment were in their 1st academic year of A-levels within the Spanish education system. Their level of English was B1 according to the CEFR. Having identified the learners’ level related to EFL written production, one research question was established to confirm whether learners improved their level of written production through blogging. From this research question, the following starting hypothesis was created: 1. Blogging helps learners increase their EFL written production within the Cooperative Learning approach. The chosen method was action-research implying, thus, that quantitative outcomes were analyzed. The results were quite satisfactory implying, in consequence, that this current paper is worth and interesting since not much research has been published at non-university education and, in particular, in A-level studies.

Keywords: EFL; Written Production; Blogging; Cooperative Learning; A-level.


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Cómo citar

Written production in EFL through blogging and cooperative learning at A-level. (2019). TEJUELO. Didáctica De La Lengua Y La Literatura. Educación, 31, 97-118. https://doi.org/10.17398/1988-8430.31.97