Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2010, 56(5):224-230 | DOI: 10.17221/67/2009-AGRICECON

Behaviour of subjects in risk markets

Karel ©RÉDL
Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague , Czech Republic

Consumer's behaviour is described mostly by the neoclassical theory in the framework of cardinalistic and ordinalistic models which involve the methodological individualism, the concept of rationalism, the equilibrium and the perfect information of consumer. Consumer in the financial actives market decides in a similar way. Consumer can make decisions also uder the condition of risk and uncertainty.

Keywords: actives market, theory of expected utility, prospect theory, risk, uncertainty

Published: May 31, 2010  Show citation

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©RÉDL K. Behaviour of subjects in risk markets. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2010;56(5):224-230. doi: 10.17221/67/2009-AGRICECON.
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